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March 10th,
Today I will talk about what I've been doing. Yesterday, I
went out in the dingy that mom and dad got for Aaron and I. We
have been riding all around in it. Two days ago we saw an
alligator slide off a log and into the water while we were in the
dingy. It was so big it took ten seconds to get all the way into the
water. I turned the boat around as quick as I could, my heart
was racing. Mom rowed us away a bit and then I took over the
oars again. We also so a turtle, which wasn't as frightening
as the alligator! I have also taken our friends Laura and
Ethan for a ride. Aaron and I were the tour guides. Not
only did we spot some wildlife, we also saw a brown shoe in the
water, a red glove hanging from a tree, a green hose pipe drifting
down the river and a bucket in the bushes!
I've got my Nintendo back!!!!!!! YAY! YAY! YAY! Woohoo! yea oh sorry
I do go a bit psychotic occasionally, perhaps you'd like a few tips
about the nintendo games... Super Mario Bros is a good game for
people who enjoy an increasing challenge, Nintendogs is for people
who like wound up crazy doggies. Gotta go everyone bye abi.
March 2nd,
all but I just haven't had time to write. Anyway I have been
quite excited for tomorrow. Why you may ask, because
last time the family went fishing I forgot my Nintendo game so we
were almost home when I asked who had it and no one did.
Little bit of panic! So we drive all the way back and the pier is
closed. Luckily I have a wonderful Dad and he jumped the gate
and it was there. So two weeks of no Nintendo was the
punishment…………not that great for me but.. oh well! Yesterday I
played a whole lot of games on this computer and today when I got
back I said, "HeLlO cOmPuTeR". Hehe funny right! Well I didn’t say
it like that but hey! funny writing! So anyway just a little
tip for STARWARS fans, every Saturday there's Starwars on Spike and
Cartoon Network. So, apparently, other people had the same
problem but we have little tiny tiny tiny black worms in the
shower. None of them, or us for that matter, know what they are - so
yikes! So if any viewers have little GIRLS that like computer
games here's a tip:- Google "fun games for girls" - it's all
there. All the coolest games and for Pokemon lovers, go Google to
hello hello
January 9, 2009
My names Abi like the name of my log.
Just about a week ago we went to Crescent Beach, we
went fishing but didn't catch anything. A few days later we
went to Flagler Beach pier, that time we caught a bunch. I
caught a sand shark. I also caught a whiting. My mom and
my dad both
caught a shark. My mom caught a sand shark and my dad caught a
bonnet head, my dad also caught a sheepshead, blue's and whitings
and sharks and all sorts of fish .Today is January 9th 2009, we are
dogsitting a Dachshund named Munchi owners name Sid, we had a Chua
Chua named G.G. - girl getter.
I think fishing takes
but its worth it in the end because it makes you happy to catch a
fish even if its not big enough .Yesterday I got back to school
braindead today was a lot better, I actually EARNED a good job
today. Tomorrow we go to the pier again. I'm hoping to catch
something good!
all readers! I'm so sorry to those who have been checking in but I
had forgotten all about my log. May 13th my mom, my brother
and I went on a homeschool meeting to the St Augustine Lighthouse.
Well I guess I haven't told you that I am boat schooled. Well
maybe I should tell you about my schoolwork! I am in 6th grade
reading and 4th grade math. I enjoy science as it is my
favorite subject. I love reading. I like math and I
enjoy lots of games like chess, checkers, jigsaw puzzles and other
kinds of puzzles. I eat most foods like macaroni, salad,
macaroni salad, spaghetti, chicken, hotdogs, mushrooms, zucchini,
yellow squash, oranges, grapes, tomatoes and loads more! Well
I have the flu and I have a stomach ache so I must sign off for now.

I have written a
song it goes like this.....
Looking across
the horizon
Haven't seen
nothing but skies and water
the ocean uh huh
I got this
promotion to sail the whole ocean
but now I'm
regretting cause I've just been panicking alone
I want to go
home now i want to go home now (repeat 2 times )
Anyway I am
going to tell you about a website called Moshi monsters it is
awesome!. I need to get on with my school by!