Our Family | |
Hello! We are the Cornish's, The Mighty Mighty Cornish's, Everywhere we go, People want to know, Who we are, So we tell em...
We are the Cornish's The Might Mighty Cornish's, etc etc, etc....
Well, here is our story. We moved aboard our 53ft sailboat, Colomba, in November 2004. In 2002 we decide to make some changes in our lives. Tired of working long hours and the responsibilities that go along with running a business, Justin half jokingly said "Forget this, let's get a boat and sail around the world!" I was totally game and the rest is history. It was really that simple. We have always loved to travel and we already knew that some of the best moments we had had over the years were when we did something a little unconventional, like working on farms in Israel or backpacking around Portugal and hitchhiking in the desert. We wanted to escape the norms of society and pressures that go along with day to day USA. We also wanted to have some cherished moments with our two angels before they were grown and gone from the nest. Actually when we made the decision Abi was 2 and Aaron wasn't even on the way. Soon I was pregnant again though and even with the growing family our plans for our Big Adventure were not deterred. The opportunity to truly experience life had presented itself and we hopped onboard. It turns out that to sail off into the sunset is not as easy as it would seem! We had a business to take care of, a house to sell, a boat to prepare and childproof. It also took us a considerable amount of time to locate the boat that was to become our home. We had originally planned to set sail November 2003 but to our dismay this was not to be. The extra year actually enabled us to make more upgrades on the boat that we had wanted to do in any case. We ended up with more gadgets than NASA and a few more creature comforts as well! All of the upgrades, fine tuning, child proofing and curtain making was already both an adventure and education in itself before we even moved aboard! Not to mention the lesson in patience whilst waiting at the dock yet another year to live our dream. As Justin and I had limited sailing experience, we took a couple of very basic courses with the American Sailing Association and after a few days on the water we were given certificates! As Justin's Dad, Oupa (aka Lewis) had more sailing experience than us he agreed to sail with us on our initial passage from Panama City, Fl to Key West - a 5 day crossing.